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Original article
Nenad Joksimovic, Rozalinda
Popova, Vladimir Serafimoski
Clinic of Gastroenterohepatology, Faculty of Medicine, Skopje Macedonia
This study is a prospective
clinical investigation that includes 596 patients aged 54 years on average, with
symptoms such as perirectal pain, rectal bleeding, and change in bowel habit and
tenesmus that had been investigated at the Clinic. Rectal cancer was diagnosed
by endoscopy and was pathohistologica lly confirmed in 377 cases.
Demonstration of tumor, extension into perirectal fat and lymph node involment
were evaluated. Tumors were successfully imaged by endorectal ultrasound.
According to the endosonographical results, patients were divided into 3 groups:
operable, inoperable and control group. All patients from the first group
classified endosonographically as operable rectal carcinoma were compared with
the definite surgical diagnosis. Endosonographicaly, 55 pts (9 5%) had I degree,
115 pts (19 5%) had II degree. The group classified as inoperable rectal tumors
(207 pts) is compared with the operative findings of palliatively operated
patients. Due to the complications of the primary process (ileuses), 55 pts were
operated and endosonographic
diagnosis was confirmed by the operation findings.
The control group of patients (219 pts) which was endosonographically classified
to be without signs of primary and secondary neoplasmatic process in the rectal
wall was compared with all the findings obtained by rectoscopy, colonoscopy and
their combination with histology. Adenocarcinoma ovarii were found in 45 pts (20
5%), Ovarial cyst in 26 pts. (12%), Myoma uteri in 22 pts. (10%), Adeocarcinoma
uteri in 37 pts (17%), Adenocarcinoma prostatae in 41 pts (19%), Adenoma
prostate in 19 pts (8 5%), IBD in 19 pts (8 5%), perirectal abscesses in 7 pts
(3%), M. Hirschprung's disease in 2 pts and torsion of the sigmoid colon in one
The results suggest that transrectal sonography has an important role in the
determination of operability of rectal malignoma, following and predicting
degree of infiltration and determining precise borders of intramural
infiltration. The utility of blind endosonography (BUS) is evident, the method
is non-invasive and there are no contraindications. It permits fast, easy and
precise evaluation of the rectal cancer extension as well as the diseases of the
adjacent organs.
Key words: transrectal endosonography, rectal tumors