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UDC: 616.311.2-02-053.6
Original article
Running title:
Microbiocenosis by Gum Symbionts in Adolescents with
Catarrhal Gingivitis and Chronic Gastroduodenitis
Features of Microbiocenosis and Production of Hydrogen
Peroxide by Gum Symbionts
in Adolescents with Catarrhal Gingivitis and Chronic Gastroduodenitis
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Department of Pediatric
Dentistry, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Introduction. The key links in the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal
tissue diseases are the quantitative and qualitative changes in the
composition of the microflora of the oral cavity, with the simultaneous
deterioration of oral hygiene, and reduction of local and general immunity,
which occurs more often in the presence of somatic diseases.
Aims. The aim of the paper was to study the features of the microbiocenosis
of periodontal tissues and the production of hydrogen peroxide by gum
symbionts in adolescents with catarrhal gingivitis and chronic
Methods. The condition of the microbiocenosis of the gums of 83 adolescents
from 12 to 18 years, which was divided into groups depending on the
diagnosed catarrhal gingivitis and chronic gastroduodenitis, was studied.
Bacteriological examination was performed to isolate pure cultures of
microorganisms and to identify them according to generally accepted
microbiological methods. The ability of the selected cultures to produce
hydrogen peroxide was studied on an indicator medium with
potassium-iodine-starch system, by the iodometric method.
Results. The results of microbiological studies showed significant changes
in qualitative and quantitative indicators of the microbiocenosis of the
gingival mucosa in the affected area of patients with gingivitis, compared
with dentally and somatically healthy individuals in the control group. In
the group of clinically healthy adolescents, hydrogen peroxide producers
were found on the mucous membrane of the gums only in 5.0 ± 1.15% of the
examinees. In catarrhal gingivitis, hydrogen peroxide producers were found
in 52.4 ± 2.4 % of the examined main group subjects (p < 0.01) and in the
50.0 ± 2.5 % of the examined comparison group subjects (p < 0.01).
Conclusion. Among adolescents
with catarrhal gingivitis, which occurs on the background of chronic
gastroduodenitis, there were more pronounced quantitative and qualitative
changes in the microbiocenosis of the gums. The hydrogen peroxide produced
by them can act as an additional damaging factor in the pathogenesis of the
inflammatory process of the gingival area.
Keywords: gingivitis, gastroduodenitis,
adolescents, microbiocenosis, hydrogen peroxide
Corresponding author:
Iryna Lisetska
e-mail: Lisecka9@gmail.com