ACTA FAC MED NAISS 2023;40(2):247-254



Case report

UDC: 616.71-006-079.4
DOI: 10.5937/afmnai40-36964


Running title: Nora's Lesion

A Case of Bizarre Parosteal Osteochondromatous Proliferation (Nora’s Lesion):
A Brief Description

Borys Fylenko1, Nataliia Roiko1, Andriy Roiko2, Іvan Starchenko1, Dmytro Kuvichka2, Volodymyr Koka1,2


1Poltava State Medical University, Department of Pathological Anatomy with Autopsy Course, Poltava, Ukraine
2“Municipal Enterprise 1st City Clinical  Hospital of Poltava City Council”, Trauma Unit, Poltava, Ukraine




Introduction. Nora’s lesion or bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation is a rare benign bone neoplasm that is usually localized on the small bones of the hands. The paper was aimed at clinical, morphological and structural analysis of Nora’s lesion case, the second registered in Ukraine.

Case report. A 42-year-old male patient presented with complaints of painless swelling in the area of the distal 4th metacarpal bone and limited mobility of the ring finger. The diagnosis was based on a typical localization, combination of clinical, radiological, and histological methods; however, the right differential diagnosis was an important task in the present case, too.

Conclusion. As there is still not enough data in the literature on this issue, further studies of Nora’s lesion etiology will improve its understanding, thus treatment modes and prevention of recurrence, too.


Keywords: Nora’s lesion, clinical examination, radiological methods, histology


Corresponding author:

Borys Fylenko
