ACTA FAC MED NAISS 2024;41(1):10-17

Review article

UDC: 616.22-006-089.87:616-085.8

                Running title: Breaking the Silence: Innovative Approaches to Voice Rehabilitation and
Communication for Laryngectomized Patient


Breaking the Silence: Innovative Approaches to Voice Rehabilitation and Communication for Laryngectomized Patient

 Dina Rujević1, Mirjana Petrović Lazić2

 1General Hospital Novi Pazar, Department of Neurology, Novi Pazar, Serbia
2University of Belgrade, Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation,
Belgrade, Serbia



Introduction. Laryngectomy is a surgical procedure for the removal of the larynx, either entirely (total laryngectomy) or partially (partial laryngectomy). Rehabilitation of laryngectomy patients is a complex process that involves physical, psychological, and social aspects. To improve the quality of life of laryngectomy patients, rehabilitation consists of several phases that include learning alternative ways of speaking, breathing and swallowing exercises, and psychological support. It is important to emphasize that rehabilitation is a long-term process that requires continuous support for patients to achieve the best results. With the right approach and professional help, rehabilitation can significantly improve the quality of life of laryngectomy patients. This paper aims to review relevant literature in order to present the possibilities of verbal communication in patients after laryngectomy.

Methods. The methods used in this study include searching websites such as,,,,, and for the papers published in Serbian and English from 2018 to 2022.

Overview. This paper provides an overview of speech rehabilitation in laryngectomy patients, various methods of treating larynx cancer, and a review of current literature in the field of laryngectomy.

Conclusion. After total laryngectomy, patients need to undergo intensive speech rehabilitation to regain the ability of verbal communication. This process requires a multidisciplinary approach, including various specialists such as speech therapists, phoniatrists, oncologists, surgeons, and psychologists.


Keywords: larynx cancer, laryngectomy, communication, vocal rehabilitation



Corresponding author:

Dina Rujević
