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Original work ACTA.FAC.MED.NAISS. 1998; 16(2), 66-70 |
N. Zakula, V. Ðerkoviæ, R. Marijanoviæ, N. Pavloviæ
Gradski zavod za zaštitu zdravlja
Belgrade, with its proportions of the Morbus HIV registered and reported cases, pccupies the first place in our countru. Out of the 806 diseased in Yugoslsvia until 30 June 1999. 71.8% are the Belgrade dwellers: Air of this work is to present the Morbus HIV epidemiologic features in Belgrade for the period 1985 -1999. Applying the descriptfve epidemiologic method, analyzed were the data of the Central Registry of HN positive, Diseased and Death Cases from Morbus HN in Belgrade. In 1987 there was a largest number of bIIV-positive persons registered - 253 (22.2 % out of the total 1142), the year when the reporting was regulated by the law. Later on, reported were on the average 70 HIV-infected cases a year, while there were approxsimately 41 cases of Morbus HIV reported (with the peak in 1995). In the period i985-1999, registered were 605 cases of Morbus HIV disease. In 513 (84.8%) the discase ended fataly. Male sex participation was predominant - 70.6% of the infected, 71% of the affected, and 73.7 % of the deceased. The women proportion has been growing in recent years; among the newly registered HIV positive cases it was even 42oXo (in 1997). Most frequent age group were those from 30 to 39 years of age (40.5% of HIV positives, 55.0% of the diseased and 53.4% of the Morbus HIV deceased). Imtravenous drug-abusers (63.7ok - 66.7þ'o) and heterosexual individuals (18.0%) were the most common transmission groups. The most pronounced mortality w s observed among the i.v. drug-abusers (90%) and tbe recipients of blood and blood products (88.9%) It was also observed that the larger part of the male population was infected abusing drugs intravenously (65.8%), while in women the sexual risk was more pronounced (35.4%) than in men (26.0%). In all age groups of the Morbus HIV discased there were more males. Female percentage was most pronounced among the discased 20ù- 29 years old (42.0%), which indicates an extreme risk of vertical HIV transmission.
Monitoring of the epidemiologic situation, getting an insight into the scope and significance of the problem, identification of the behavioural high-risk groups and concrete actions directed towards these subpopulations were made possible with continual running of the Registry of HIV positive, deseased and deceased tiþom Morbus HIV in the Belgrade region.
Key words: Morbus HIV, epidemiologic situation, registrstion method, epidemiologic surveillance.