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Original work ACTA.FAC.MED.NAISS. 1999; 16(3), 145-149 |
Consiousness and cognition disturbances in the intensive care unit fof neurologic patients
Živković Miroslava
Clinic of neurology, Clinical center, Beograd
Aim of investigation was to differentiate between etiopathogenetic substratums,which is the base of delirium occurrence, in 1200 treated patients on in- patient basis, at the intensive care unite in the period 1995-1998. Delirum was diagnosed (DSM-III-R Diagnostic criteria) in 180 patients ( 15%), including 56 (9,3%) out of 600 with atherotrombotic infraction,8 (6,6%) out of the 120 with embolism, 45 (25%) out of 180 with intracerebral haemorrhage, 20 (12,8%) out of i56 with subarahnoidal haemorrhage, 13 (36%) out of 36 with hypertensive encephalopathy and 6 ( 50%) out of 12 with metabolic. Delirium, as the initial sign,was present in 72% of the subjects compared to 28% with intrahospital development of delirious state.
It may be concluded that the etiology of delirium is multifactorial,with interaction of precepitating and predisposing factors, reqiring a precise clinical evaluation.
Key word: delirium, intensive care, neurology