Acta-grb.jpg - 2079 BytesACTA FAC. MED. NAISS. 2003; 20 (4): 223-228
Original article


Biljana Radovanović-Dinić, Aleksandar Nagorni, Vuka Katić, Goran Bjelaković, Ivanka Stamenković, Dragan Mihajlović
 Clinic of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Clinical Center Niš 2 Institute of Pathology, Clinical Center Niš 3 Clinic of Surgery, Clinical Center Niš

The evaluation of UC activity is necessary for the purpose of optimum therapeutic approach and the analysis of the effects. The aim of the study is to direct attention to the importance of clinical, endoscopic and patho-histological evaluation of the ulcerative colitis activity. A prospective study included 117 patients with chronic ulcerative colitis. All patients underwent colonoscopy. The analysis of the clinical and laboratory parameters confirmed inactive UC in 4(4.27%) patients. The majority of the rest of the patients had a moderately active UC. The endoscopic examination confirmed the still phase of the disease in 7 (5.98%) patients. The endoscopic examination also confirmed that the greatest number of patients had a severely active UC. We verified a significant correlation between clinically and endoscopically established UC activity. The patho-histological examinations diagnosed chronic, inactive UC in 7 (5.98%) patients. From the rest of the patients with active colitis, the majority had a moderately active UC. The correlation of the clinical and histological levels of activity showed statistical significance. The correlation of the endoscopic and histological levels of activity showed statistical significance. The clinical level of activity and the extensiveness of UC were in significant negative correlation with the secretion of sulfomucin but not sialomucin. In order to provide optimal therapeutic treatment for the UC patients and gain control of its effect, we need to perform regular clinical and patho-histological controls, because even is seemingly clinically and endoscopically inactive UC, there may be a certain patho-histological activity which demands therapeutic treatment.

Key words: ulcerative colitis, index activity