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Case report
Jelica Tiodorovic, Viktor Lazarevic,
Radmila Milenkovic, Danica Tiodorovic-Zivkovic
Clinic for Dermatovenerology,
Clinical Centre Nis
Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a rare, inflammatory, non-infective, non-neoplastic
skin disorder, which is often associated with systemic diseases (1). Etiology of
PG is still unknown.
The paper presents the case of a 23 year-old male patient with skin lesions
localized on the skin of the face, ear lobe, neck, chest and back. There were
numerous pustules, papules, vesicles and blisters filled with hemorrhagic
content, and shallow ulcers covered with dark yellow crusts.
The patient had been treated from ulcerative colitis for year and a half prior
to skin lesions.
After starting the therapy with Cyclosporine accompanied with low doses of
corticosteroids, the overall condition of our patient improved, the number of
stools was reduced, and the ulcers on the skin began to epithelize. There have
not been new lesions in our patient during these 11 months of follow- up.
Key words: pyoderma gangrenosum, ulcerative colitis, cyclosporine