ACTA FAC MED NAISS 2009; 26 (4): 187-194

Original article

UDC 616.379-008.64:615.851.4



Dušica Miloradović1, Maja Nikolić2, Dragan Dimić3, Branko Bačanin1, Zvonko Abramović1, Vanja Petrović1

1Primary Health Care Center Merošina, Merošina, Serbia
2Public Health Institute Niš, Niš, Serbia
3Endocrinology Clinic, Clinical Centre Niš, Niš, Serbia


Diabetes mellitus, as chronic dissease, with its wide presence in general population, complex and financially demanding therapy, solicit a necessity of constant and coordinated cooperation beetwen medical professionals and patients, on the topics considering prevention and reduction of the consequences of the dissease. The aim of the paper was to provide quantitative insight into knowledge about own dissease in diabetes mellitus (type 2) patients, as well as their behaviour toward own disease during the therapy. The research included 45 diabetes mellitus outpatients, with mean age of 64.68±10.69 years, treated in the Health Care Centre Merošina. Quantitative scorring of patient`s knowledge about own dissease and behaviour, as well as socio-epidemiological anamnesis were performed by use of standardized questionary; their body weight and height were measured, body mass index was calculated, and all quantified variables were statistically analyzed. Average score of patient`s knowledge about diabetes was 15±5.02, which is considered insufficient even though more than half of examinees has satisfying knowledge of symptoms, complications and prevention of diabetes. Minimal score of knowledge was 7, and maximal 24. Male patients showed slightly better knowledge scores (17.8±4.64) about own dissease than females, however, without statistically significant difference. Average score of attitude was 3.96±1.48 points, and could be considered as satisfactory. There is the necessity for precise determination of medical education effects in specific populations, i.e. population of diabetes mellitus patients, where personal participation has major influence on efficacy of terapy.

Key words: diabetes, knowledge, practical attitudes, education