ACTA FAC MED NAISS 2009; 26 (4): 203-209

Original article

UDC 614.2:616.31:681.3



Branko Mihailović1, Zoran Lazić2, Miloš Duka2, Dragan Mladenović3, Goran Tošić3, Aleksandar Janković4, Dušan Živković1

1Faculty of Medicine in Priština, Priština, Serbia
2Military Medical Academy Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
3Faculty of Medicine in Niš, Niš, Serbia
4Dermatovenerology Clinic Niš, Niš, Serbia


Dental clinics are increasing the use of electronic computerized systems which contain digital card indexes of patients and enable computerized management, thereby replacing the traditional manual management. The systems have significant advantages, the most important of which is saving the time needed for performing administration and management jobs. The aim of the research was to determine the precise amount of time saved by using computerized management, compared to manual management of a dental clinic. Experimental study was used to measure the time spent in performing manual and computerized jobs of a dental clinic. The existing files of 500 patients were simulated including medical records, protocols, finances, reports and tabular appointments. All measurements were performed by two examiners independently, repeating the process twice. Statistical significance for significance threshold P<0.05 was tested using Student's t-test for independent samples. The greatest saving of time in separate jobs was obtained in creating a three-month ZLUZ service (service for oral protection and treatment) report and it amounted to 42 minutes and 31 seconds, whereas the least time saved, 6 seconds, was in filing an appointment. The only negative saving of 2 seconds was obtained in filing a radiographic image. The other jobs include saving of 12 minutes and 28 seconds for doctor's performance of monthly report and up to 11 seconds for creating a new medical record. Statistical analysis has confirmed that for P<0.05 there is a statistically significant difference between computerized and manual management. There is a great time gain in computerized management of dental clinic and it amounts to over 16 working hours a month. This type of management has other advantages which primarily refer to the quality of service, charging efficacy, reduced complexity in performing jobs, improved competence and self-confidence of the employees.

Key words: computerized dentistry, computerized management, electronic medical record, software, documentation