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Case report
UDC: 618.14-089.85:616.6-007.272
Obstructive Uropathy And Acute Urinary Retention Caused By Uterine Fibroid In A
Non-Pregnant Women - A Case Report
Nirmala Jaget Lakkawar, Suriya Desikan, Thirupurasundari
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College &
Hospital, Kirumampakkam, Puducherry -607402, INDIA
A 38-year-old female gravida 2, para 2, sterilized patient was presented to the
hospital with acute urinary retention and severe lower abdominal pain. Clinical
and ultrasonographical examination revealed a marked distention of urinary
bladder, enlarged uterus with posterior wall fibroid impacted in the pouch of
Douglas. Intravenous pyelography revealed a moderate degree of bilateral
hydroureter and hydronephrosis. However, the renal function tests were within
normal range. Urine examination revealed pyuria and multi-drug resistant
Staphylococcus aureus. Total abdominal hysterectomy was resorted after
considering the medical and social factors. Histopathological examination
revealed intramural leiomyoma, complex hyperplasia of the endometrium and
chronic cervicitis. Detecting that the fibroid could contribute to the
development of acute urinary retention, cystitis and its appropriate management
along with the uneventful recovery of the patient indicated the validity of the
approach that would have led to serious renal complications. This paper focuses
on the acute complications of the uterine fibroid, multidisciplinary diagnostic
approach, and the importance of immediate intervention to prevent subsequent
renal damage.
Key words: posterior wall uterine fibroid, obstructive uropathy, acute
urinary retention, hysterectomy