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Review article
UDC:615.322:616-006.6-08 DOI: 10.2478/v10283-012-0016-4
Contribution of Selected Medicinal Plants for Cancer Prevention and Therapy
Zohara Yaniv Bachrach
Department of Genetic Resources, Institute of
Plant Sciences, Volcani Center, Bet-Dagan, Israel
Since time immortal, plants have been used for maintaining health and curing
disease. With cancer being a widespread threat to humanity, plants play an
important role in cancer prevention, as well as in therapy. Medicinal plants
provide new active chemopreventive molecules. In addition, treatment with plants
can ease side-effects as well as provide support to the fears and anxieties of
the sick. In this review, methods of exploring new plants and new active
plant-derived compounds are described, including ethnobotanical research and
screening procedures. Three newly researched medicinal plants, native of Israel,
are selected, and new research findings related to their anticancer activities
are presented. The plants are: Crocus sativus, Vitex agnus-cactus and Withania
somnifera. All three plants are known in traditional medicine and their
therapeutical uses are documented. Most findings are preliminary and further
studies are required for clinical applications.
Key words: ethnobotany, medicinal plants, cancer prevention, anticancer compounds, chemoprevention