ACTA FAC MED NAISS 2012;29(4):181-186

Original article

UDC:618.146-006-089:613.84/.88        DOI:10.2478/v10283-012-0025-3


The Influence of HPV16, Smoking and Coitarche in the Development of Cervical Dysplasia in the Stage where Conization is the Treatment of Choice


Goran Dimitrov1, Elena Džikova1, Gligor Dimitrov2, Gjorgji Babushku2, Vesna Antovska1

1University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

2Private General Hospital Remedika, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


The high incidence of premalignant lesions of the cervix in our country and worldwide was the primary aim for conducting this study so as to establish whether HPV16, smoking and coitarche (first intercourse) are significant factors in the developmental stages of cervical dysplasia in the case of which the conization is a surgical treatment of choice. In the period of three years, one hundred and thirtysix women from the Republic of Macedonia with histologically confirmed CIN were examined as well as 50 control cases with normal cytology and colposcopic findings. The aforesaid epidemiologic factors examined in this study were obtained through special questionnaires. The resulting material was statistically processed to determine whether these factors are risk factors for development of higher stages of cervical dysplasia. The obtained statistical analysis showed that HPV16, smoking and coitarche under the age of 18 are very important factors in the development of higher stages of CIN where conization is indicated as a treatment of choice. Our study demonstrated that coitarche under the age of 18, smoking and infection with HPV16 as the most common high risk HPV in our country are the most important factors in causing and development of high grade CIN, where conization is necessary as a treatment of choice. Thus, socially-based organized screening can be of great benefit in early diagnosis and adequate treatment of this highly prevalent disease.


Key words: conization, HPV, CIN, smoking, coitarche