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Original article
Morphometric Study of Connective Tissue in the Human Pituitary during Aging Process
Miljana Pavlović1, Ivan Jovanović1, Snežana Pavlović1, Vesna Stojanović1, Vladimir Živković1, Mirjana Bakić2, Braca Kundalić1, Vladimir Antić3
1University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia
2University of Montenegro, Faculty of Medicine Podgorica, Montenegro
3University of Niš, Faculty of Sport
and Physical Education, Serbia
The aim of the research was to quantify the connective tissue and blood vessels
in the aging human pituitary, using the morphometric methods. The material
contained 29 pituitary tissues from cadavers of both sexes (14 females and 15
males), aged 33-95 years. The pituitary tissue was processed by standard
histological procedure and stained by Mallory trichrome method. Histological
samples were analyzed using a light microscope with magnification of 400x.
Morphometric analysis was performed on digital pictures with the resolution of
1.3 megapixels, at 40 pituitary visual fields of each case examined. Fovea Pro 4
system was used for the analysis. Above the digital images of each field of
view, there was inserted a simple network test system. Using this programme,
there were determined bulk densities of connective tissue and blood vessels in
the examined cases. The results were statistically analyzed using the package
NCSS-PASS 2007. Correlation analysis showed that the bulk density of connective
tissue statistically significantly increased during aging. The average bulk
density of blood vessels in the pituitary manifested statistically significant
decrease during the aging process. These results were confirmed by the linear
regression analysis. The average bulk density of the connective tissue, as well
as the average bulk density of blood vessels in the pituitary cases, did not
differ significantly among males and females. The process of aging is followed
by the proliferation of the connective tissue and fibrosis of the pituitary,
which is accompanied by the reduction of its vascular network.
Key words: human pituitary, connective tissue, morphometry, aging