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Original article
UDC: 614.71:616.2 (497.11)
DOI: 10.5937/afmnai1903230S
The Importance of Monitoring of Suspended Particles in the Ambient Air of the City of Niš
Ljiljana Stošić1,2, Dušica Stojanović1,2
1University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Niš, Serbia
2Public Health Institute Niš, Serbia
The aim of this paper was to show the results of monitoring of the concentration of suspended PM10 particles and heavy metals in the PM10
fraction in the City of Niš and to identify possible seasonal variations of PM10 concentrations in the same period. The goal was also to point
out the importance of monitoring of these pollutants by reviewing the results of epidemiological studies that have investigated the impact of
suspended particles on human health. Monitoring was carried out at one measuring point in the city, once a week, over a five-year period.
It was found that the average annual concentration of PM10 was above the allowed values. Daily PM10 concentrations exceeded the limit and
tolerant values in more than 50% of the measurements during the heating season. The studies conducted so far have indicated that particulate
matter significantly affects the health of the exposed population (especially children, elderly, and people with heart or lung disease).
The most common health consequences are inflammatory reactions of the respiratory system, decreased pulmonary function, damages to the cardiovascular
system, changes in immunological response, frequent visits to the emergency medicine centers, as well as frequent hospitalizations.
Therefore, it is very important to continue monitoring of the concentration of these pollutants in accordance with the
financial possibilities, to increase the number of measuring points and the dynamics of sampling. The assessment of the harmful impact is also important considering that no research has been carried out in Niš so far.
Key words: ambient air, particulate matter PM10, health outcomes