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Case report
UDC: 616.592-002.4-089
Running title: Necrotizing Fascitis
Necrotizing Fascitis: A Case Report
Mladen Kasalović1,2,
Gojko Igrutinović1,2, Zlatan Elek1,2, Aleksandar
Hospital Center Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
Background. Necrotizing soft tissue infections are actually the
diseases with a severe outcome characterized by the progression
of soft tissue inflammation with a catastrophic prognosis and
the risk of major functional consequences. Only prompt diagnosis
and prompt care, including prompt administration of appropriate
antibiotic therapy and surgical treatment, can improve the
Case report. A female patient, aged 66 years, came due to
swelling and pain in the perineum. Before admission, the pains
were of low intensity, and immediately before admission, their
intensity increased. An incision was made in the perineal region
and the abdominal region on the left. During the preparation, we
came across a necrotic tissue from which a dark-gray liquid flew
that had a strong smell. From the tenth postoperative day,
secondary sutures were partly placed.
Conclusion. Mortality and morbidity in this disease are high. A
potential new treatment for this disease may be an
antigen-inhibiting vaccine.
Keywords: necrotizing fascitis,
incision, necrectomy, sepsis
Corresponding author:
Mladen Kasalović
e-mail: mladen.kasalovic@med.pr.ac.rs