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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 41
Number 2, 2000
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Contact:  Suzana Tasić
Institute for health protection
18000 Niš







Suzana TASIĆ, Gordana TASIĆ, Predrag VLAHOVIĆ i Nataša MILADINOVIĆ


Institute for health protection, Niš

The examination of the cellular immunity parameters comprised 20 women suffering from the recurrent genital candidose (RGK) in the remission phase as well as 20 women of the control grooup that never had any verified genital mucous infection. The aim of the research was to determine the interferon-gamma (INF gamma) production in the culture of specifically (by the Candida albicans - HKB-antigens) and non-specifically (Concavalin-A-ConA) stimulated mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood of the women with the RKG as well as of the healthy women for the sake of determining a possible presence of the system cellular immunity hypo-activity. The IFN gamma was determined by the quantitative immuno-enzymic Quantikine method (R/D system, Minneapolis, USA).
The IFN gamma was confirmed in minimal quantities in the cultures of the lymphocytes stimulated by the specific antigen (average value - 15 pg/ml). A considerably higher value of the produced IFN gamma was confirmed in the cultures of the stimulated lymphocytes (average value - 954 pg/ml) as well as at the ConA and the HKB lymphocyte stimulus (average value - 1247 pg/ml).

Key words: Recurrent genital candidose, interferon gama, cellular immunity