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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 41
Number 2, 2000
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Contact:  Zoran Perišić
Clinic for tlie Protection of Mental health, Neurology ancl Psychiatry of the Adolescent Age of the Clinic Center
18000 Niš









Clinic for tlie Protection of Mental health, Neurology ancl Psychiatry of the Adolescent Age of the Clinic Center, Niš

The paper presents fhe emergence of the discogenic radiculomyeloischemic (RMI) lumbal syndrome in a 12 year old girl. The medial prolapses of the discus at the L3-L4 and L4-L5 levels have caused the emergence of the bilateral radicular syndrome while the compression of the Adamkiewitcz artery has caused the generation of the distal thoracic and lumbalosacral part of the spinal cord. In the clinic image there was an evident association of the prominent painful syndrome and paraparesis without any disturbance of the sphincter control. The appearance of the signs of the vegetative vasculardisturbances on the legs represents an important part of theclinic image of this syndrome in children. The extensive clinic, electrophysiolgical radiological and laboratory examination has been carried out on the patient. On the basis of the obtained results it can be concluded that an early diagnosis of the discogenic RMI lumbal syndrome in children, beside a detailed radiological examination, very often requires - as a part of the additional examinations - the scanning of the spinal column and the spinal cord by magnetic resonance since a timely carried out operative treatment can lead to the complete recovery of such patients.

Key words: Lumbal discopathy, radiculomyeloischemie, children