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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 40
No 1, 2001
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Clinic Center, Niš



Marko LAZOVIĆ, Velizar STANTŠIĆ, Stevan ILIĆ, Branko LOVIĆ, Milica P. LAZOVIĆ, Danijela STANIŠIĆ, Zoran PERIŠIĆ and Jozef GLASNOVIĆ


Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Clinic Center, Niš


The aim of this paper is to consider, from the epidemiological-clinic aspect, frequency and dispersion of the AIM in the mral and urban population of Niš Municipality. Tn the period from 1974 to 1994 at the Cardiological Clinic of Ni.š Clinic center there were 4.344 patients treated from the ATM, on average 167 annually with a year incidence rate of 11 1,37 patients per 100.000 inhabitants above 30. The incidence rate of the AIM in the overall Municipality population'in the last 3 decades shows a permanent growth with the culmination in 1998 when it amounted to 21 8,7/100.000 which is two times larger than the average annual rate for the period from 1974 to 1983 (111,05/100.000). For the period from 1984 to 1994 the rate was 158,24 while for the period from 1995 to 1999 il amounted to 186,6/100.000 inhabitants above 30 years of age. The rate shows an increase in both sexcs and il is also highervvithmales.Theraliofortheperiod from 1974lo 19X3 was 1:3,for I9K4 to 1994 it was 1:2,9. white for the period 1995-1999 it decrcased to 1:2.2 which speaks aboul greater occurrence among women in the last decade. Thc. linear trend of the incidence rate in men (yt=232,9+13,46x) and in womcn (yt=95+l 1,65x) shows that the rale tends to increase and that the AIM will be a first-rate clinic and social-medical problem of the future generations. The incidence rates are in direcl posilive correlation with age groups of the population in both sexcs and both the populations. The largest rates in the urban population are in the age group of 70 to 79 years of age (1161,6 male and 915,1 women in the period from 1995 to 1999). Among fhe sexes the greatest differences are in the age groups from 40 to 49 and 50 to 59 at the ratio of 1:4 for men. The averagemen age for the period from 1995 to 1999 was 61,2+10,97 whilc for women it was 65,7+10,7; the difference is significunt for the level p<0,001. The given relations mostly characterize the urban population. With the rural population, the rates are considerably lower and do not show anv lendency lo incrcasc. The average annual rate for the period from 1995 lo 1999 was 22/100.000 inhabitanls above 30 years of age and it was 11,5 lower than the urban population rate (254,0/100.000). All the palienls wcre older than 50 years. The average men age was 66,9 while the women one was 69,3; they were considcrably older than the urban population.


Key words: Acule myocardial infarclion, morbidily, urban population, rural popu-lation, municipalily of Niš