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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 41
No 4, 2002
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Dejan Rančić
Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology




Dejan Rančić, Natalija Stefanović, Vuka Katić, Miško Živić and Milan Stanković


Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology,

Institute for Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine and

the Institute for Pathology and Pathological Anatomy of the Clinic Center, Nis


The malign schwannoma represents a malign tumor of the nerve sheaths of mesenchymal origin. It is more frequent with men. Etiology is indefinite. Symptoms are not characteristics. A patient of 54 years of age is presented. The tumor formation is on the neck of about 5 cm in size, right beneath the mandibula angle. The tumor is extirpated. The material is sent to the patho-histological analysis where the Schwannoma malignum is verified. Five months later exitus takes places due to massive cortical metastases.


 Key words: Schvvannoma malignum, hypoglossal nerve