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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 41
No 5, 2002
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Jasmina Đorđević-Jocić
Ophthalmologic Clinic of the Clinic Center, Nis




Jasmina Đorđević-Jocić and Gordana Zlatanović


Ophthalmologic Clinic of the Clinic Center, Nis


Rheumatoid arthritis is the most frequent system disease joined with scleritis and episcleritis. Scleritis coupled with system diseases have a considerably more unfavorable course. Recidivism is frequent and can last for years but an early diagnosis and a prompt treatment of the first attack can both reduce the frequency of recidivism. The aim of the paper was to determine whether there are differences in the clinic image of the patients with episcleritis and scleritis of unknown etiology (1st group) and the patients with episcleritis and scleritis, namely, those who also had additional system disease (2nd group). The average number of relapses in the 1st group was 4,44% while in the 2 nd group was 6,36%. Unilateral recidivism was present in the 1 st group in 33,3% of the patients while 66,6% had recidivates in both the eyes. In the 2 nd group the altemating recidivism was present in 81,8% but the difference is not statistically important (p>0,05). A higher frequency of the diffuse type of episcleritis and scleritis in the patients of unknown etiology was recorded. The average time of recovery in the 1 st group was 4,93 while in the 2 nd group it was 7,17; here there is a statistically important difference between the examined groups in favor of the 2 nd group (p<0,05).


Key words: Episcleritis, scleritis, recidivism, recovery time, type