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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 41
No 6, 2002
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Dejan Ursulović
Institute for Medicine of Labor,




WITH LOCAL CORTICOSTEROID UPON The clinic disease parameters


Dejan Ursulović, Ljiljana Janošević, Slobodanka Janošević and Miško Živić


Institute for Medicine of Labor,

Institute for Otorhinolaryngology and Maxi-facial Surgery of the Clinic Center of Serbia, Belgrade,

Institute for Social Medicine, Statistics and Health Research of the Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade and

The Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology of the Clinic Center, Nis


The most frequent symptoms of chronic rhinitis are nasal pruritus, sneezing, nasal secretion and nasal obstruction. The aim of our research was to determine the effect of the local corticosteroid upon nasal symptoms of the patients with moderate season and perennial hypersensitive rhinitis.

In its character the study was prospective and controlled. The total number of 55 patients with moderate hypersensitive rhinitis was examined; 36 of them were treated by the local corticosteroid while 18 were with no therapy at all. The patients were treated with beclomethasone dipropionate in the nasal spray (daily dose of 400 mg for 6 weeks). All the patients were subdued to many otorinolaryngological examinations: before the therapy (basal), after a week's therapy and after six-week therapy. The nasal symptoms were graded according to their intensity and then their overall score was compared.

After a week's therapy the results show a very important reduction of the score of the symptoms in the patients of the treated subgroups with respect to the basal state while after six week therapy no further important change was determined. In the patients of the non-treated subgroups there was no significant change of the symptom score during the follow-up period.

The local treatment with beclomethasone dipropionate represents an important medicament of the first therapeutic line in moderate season and perennial hyper-sensitive rhinitis.


Key words: Beclomethasone dipropionate, local corticosteroids, rhinitis