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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 42
No 2, April, 2003
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Kostadin S. Tričković
Zavod za zdravstvenu zaštitu radnika Niš
18000 Niš,
Srbija i Crna Gora


Kostadin S. Tričković

Zavod za zdravstvenu zaštitu radnika u Nišu

The concept of invention and of its components is explained as a form of creativity and creation of something new. Likewise, the essence of the scientific work is also viewed as an activity aiming at discovering new knowledge and its use for new changes. The importance of invention and scientific research work is stressed for economy and development of the country. The personality of the inventor and of the scientific research worker is described as the subject of inventiveness and creativity. Of special consideration are scientific research workers of universities and scientific institutions as possible inventors; the accompanying recommendation refers to the need for transforming a scientific result into a contrivance. A critical view of our society and economy is given regarding results and application of the inventions and science in practice as well as suggestions for correcting the present attitudes. Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 42 (2): 37-40.

Key words: inventiveness, innovation, scientific research work