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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 42
No 2, April, 2003
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Slavica Veselinović
Klinika za onkologiju Kliničkog centra,
Braće Tasković 48 18000 Niš,
Srbija i Crna Gora
Tel.: 531-120,


Slavica Veselinović, Stojan Radić, Slađana Filipović, Miodrag Projević, Milan Burić, Anica Stanić i Sonja Mardikijan-Ignjatijević

Klinika za onkologiju Kliničkog centra u Nišu

    High incidence of breast carcinoma and mortality that it produces, reqire the analysis of incidence and clinical characteristics of bone metastases, which are one of the commonest complication of this disease.
    Analysis encompassed 380 women with breast carcinoma producing metastases treated in Oncology Clinic in Niš, in period from 1996 to 1998. Out of overall number of patients, 172 (45,3%) had their bone system registered as a location of metastases. It is evident and statistically significant that the greatest number of patients with bone metastases were from tumor grade I and II.
    Significantly greater incidence of positive estrogen and progesterone receptors was registered in patients with bone metastases compared to the patients with bone metastases in visceral organs (p<0,001). Analysis of changes in bone structure in patients with bone metastases revealed that greater number had osteolytic type of changes (50,6%). It is evident that the most fregent place of bone lesion is pelvis and lumbal-sacral vertebrae, while the most frequent skeletal complication was pain in the bones (84,4%).
    Compared findings concerning survival time since the beginning of the disease until the appereance of the first metastases, in patients with bone and visceral metastases revealed significantly more favorable outcome in patients with bone metastases (p<0,001).
    High incidence of bone metastases in patients with breast carcinoma,confirmed by this clinical research, highlights the need for adequate screening of all patients with breast carcinoma with purpose of early detection of initial lesions and early application of adequate therapy. Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 42 (2): 49-53.

Key words: breast carcinoma producing metastases, bone metastases, clinical characteristics