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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 42
No 2, April, 2003
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Vesna Kostovska
Očna klinika Kliničkog centra,

Braće Tasković 48
18000 Niš,
Srbija i Crna Gora
Tel.: 018/714-401,


Vesna Kostovska, Gordana Stanković-Babić, Gordana Zlatanović, Dragan Veselinović, Predrag Jovanović  i Ljiljana Otašević

Očna klinika Kliničkog centra u Nišu

    Refractive anomalies occur when the ratio of the refraction ability and the eye length is distrurbed. Amblyopia isunderstood as dimness of vision without detectable lesions of the eye.
    The aim of the paper is to analyze refractive anomalies occurring in amblyopic children without of with strabismus. The cards of the children suffering from amblyopia and of five of more years of age have been singled out. The number of children obtained in that way is 243. Under special observation were bilateral and unilateral amblyopias and refractive anomalies in children both with and without strabismus.
    Out of 243 children there are 153 without strabismus (the majority of them reported for examination at the age of seven) and 90 with strabismus (the majority of them reported at the age of five). In both the groups bilateral and unilateral amblyopia was registered so that the overall number of the observed amblyopic eyes was 369.
    In the children without strabismus we mostly found light amblyopia while in the froup of children with strabismus we found, in a great number, medium serious amblyopia while the presence of serious amblypia was also detected. As for refractive anomalies in both the groups of amblyopic children the most freqent were hypermetropic astigmatism and hypermetropia.
    Because of refractive anomalies as well as with strabismus with small angle, amblyopias are often discovered only when sharpness if vision is being checked; therefore, of great importance are regular systematic examinations of vision sharpness of younger children. Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 42 (2): 41-47.

Key words: refractive anomalies, amblyopic children, strabismus