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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 42
Number 3, Juli, 2003
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Miodrag Mitić
Braće Taskovića 52
18 000 Niš
Srbija i Crna Gora
Tel.: 018/530 674



Miodrag Mitić, Zoran Dimić, Mila Bojanović, Bošidar Petrović i Bojan Marinković


Clinic for ear, thorat, and nose dseases (ENT diseases), Clinical centre, Niš

A retrospective study was undertaken on ORL Clinic, Clinical Center Nis, from January 1996. to January 2001. to estimate frequency of nasopharingeal malignant tumors, among malignant tumors of ENT region, to emphasize the so called "lost time period", obstacles in obtaining an adequate clinical and hystopathological diagnosis and to apply adequate type of treatment.
There were 327 malignant tumors of ENT region during the 5 years period, from witch 28 (8,5%) were nasopharyngeal. Most of patients were between 45 - 55 year. Both sexes were affected. Sex ratio was 28 : 8 (for males).
The dominant symptoms were arual, nasal and enlargement of neck lymph nodes. A prevalent type of tumors was T2N2M0 according to international classification of nasopharingeal malignant tumors. All patients were treated by combined therapy, mostly by radio and chemotherapy.
Patients with epypharyngeal malignant tumors had relatively bad prognosis. Survival rate for three years (period) was 43%.

Key words: malignant nasopharyngeal tumors, lost time, radiotherapy, chemotherapy screening