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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 42
Number 3, Juli, 2003
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478




Nebojša Krunić
Klinika za stomatologiju,
Braće Tasković 52
18 000 Niš
Srbija i Crna Gora
Tel.: 018/326-216



Nebojša Krunić

Clinic for Dentistry, Nis

A layer of agents used to protect polished teeth is applied to a stump prior to the final cementation of the fixed denture for the purpose of alleviating postoperative sensibility. The objective of this paper was to establish, under the in vitro conditions, whether application of one layer of the agent (Kaviner) intended to isolate polished teeth decreases the fixed denture bonding strength. Used as a material were 40 intact human premolars extracted for ortodox reasons, polished by a high capacity machine using a cold water spray cooling. Experimental crowns were made by a standard method from NiCrMo alloy and cemented by zinc phosphate and glass ionomer cements on the corresponding stumps (20 in each group). After seven days, the bond strength between the polished teeth and crowns was mechanically tested, first without and then after application of Kaviner.
The results obtained have shown a decrease in the bonding strength with both cements used, higher decrease in the retention force being observed with the glass ionomer cement. However, the retention force values obtained after the application of Kaviner for both observed dental cements are still clinically acceptable.

Key words: fixed denture, bonding strength, effect of Kaviner