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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 42
Number 3, Juli, 2003
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478



Rade Čukuranović,
Institut za anatomiju Medicinskog fakulteta
Braće Tasković 81,
18000 Niš,
Srbija i Crna Gora


Rade Čukuranović, Ljiljana Vasović, Snežana Pavlović, Slobodan Vlajković, Marija Daković-Bjelaković, Ivan Jovanović, Vesna Stojanović, Slađana Ugrenović i Dejan Zdravković

Anatomy department of the Medical faculty, Nis

Mezgraja village, situated on the right bank of the river South Morava, has presented the focus of endemic nephropathy for the last four decades. The eight and ninth decade of the last century, distinguish the high prevalence of endemic nephropathy, but the last decade is characterized by the degradation in prevalence of this disease in Mezgraja.
The present section research includes 67% of the population in Mezgraja. They have implied through anamneses, physical check and the examination of the first morning urine. In 27% of testees, a different urine abnormality was recorded (proteinuria, glicosuria, microhematuria, leucocituria). The persons with urine abnormality were subjected to the additional clinical investigation in the Department of nephrology and haemodialisis.
In the course of section research as well as the additional aspire clinical research, different kidney diseases were discovered in 4,18% of the testees, such as: endemic nephropathy (0,52%), cystic disease of kidney (0,52%), renal calculosa (1,04%), and diabetic nephropathy (2,08%). The prevalence of endemic nephropathy is therefore on the level of the previous one, dating from the year of 1966.
All the attained data represent the base for the further prospective analysis of the clinical-epidemiological characteristic of endemic nephropathy. The descending rate of this disease in the last decade rejoice, but it should not baffle and discourage the researchers as it can mean only one "lull before storm". Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 42(3):27-29.