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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 42
Number 3, Juli, 2003
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Voja Pavlović
Institut za fiziologiju Medicinskog fakulteta
Braće Tasković 81,
18000 Niš,
Srbija i Crna Gora
Tel.: 018/334-221,
e-mail: vojapav@yahoo. com


Voja Pavlović* ,Zoran Pavlović** i Zorica Antić***


*    Institute of physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University, Nis
**  Clinic for hematology and clinical immunology, Clinical centre, Nis
***Medical faculty

The impact of ascorbic acid on the intensity of blast transformation of lymphocytes induced by Con-A and LPS mytogens was considered. For the experiments the spleen lymphocytes C3H/HEJ mouse were used. The cells were explored to the impact of different ascorbic acid concentration, and the process of DNA synthesis was measured by frequent marking of 3H-TdR, which were incorporated into a newly sinthetisized DNA. The quantity of the incorporated 3H-TdR was measured by scintillation in the beta counter.
The achieved results show that ascorbic acid exemplifies the stimulative influence on blast transformation lymphocyte in dose from 0,075 to 0,175 gamma/2,5x105 cells. With progressive increase of ascorbic acid dosage, the inhibitatory effect of ascorbic acid progressively increases. Ascorbic acid shows a stronger effect on T than on B lymphocytes. These results lead to a conclusion that ascorbic acid has an important effect on the intensity of stimulated lymphocyte activity by mitogen. Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 42(3):5-8.

Key words: ascorbic acid, blast transformation of lymphocytes