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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 42
Number 4, Oktobar, 2003
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Correspondence to:
Ljiljana Isaković
Specijalna bolnica za prevenciju, lečenje i rehabilitaciju nespecifičnih
plučnih oboljenja "Sokobanja"
Vojvodc Mišića 48
18230 Sokobanja, Srbija i Crna Gora
Tel.: 018/830-148,
e-mail: sbol@bankerinter. net




Ljiljana Isaković, Vesna Milanović, Vesna Bojić i Ljiljana Milojković


Specijalna bolnica za prevenciju, lečenje i rehabilitaciju nespecifičnih plućnih oboljenja "Soko Banja" u Soko Banji

Due to its confirmed measuring characteristics, the questionnaire of life quality (AQLQ) enabled us to examine and realize the importance of medical findings and obstruction degree to the life quality of asthmatic patients. Examination of medical findings and obstruction degree related to the life quality of patients, booth for specific areas and for general life quality of our examinees. There were 100 examinees, out of which 66 (66%) were women and 34 (34%) men. Their average age was 43.92+12.25 and they were all hospitalized in the "Sokobanja" special hospital during the period of 2 or 3 weeks.
The patients were divided into four groups according to the presence of pathological 1 lung sounds:
I (18 patients): no pathological lung sounds;
II (41 patients): high-pitched whistles;
III (6 patients): low-pitched whistles;
IV (35 patients): polyphonic whistling.
According to the seriousness of obstruction they were divided into three groups:
I (22 patients): less than 60% of anticipated standard;
II (31 patients): 60% to 80%
III (47 patients): more than 80%.
The highest scores in the questonare had the patients with normal auscultatory findings (I group) and the lowest scores had the patients with polyphonic whistling (IV group). The presence of pathological lung sounds reflected mostly in the area of the symptoms of disease p=0.0048 (F=4.587). Namely, the greatest difference in scores of respective areas of the questionnaire was in this very area. Life quality depends directly on the obstruction degree of the air flow through bronchial tubes measured by parameter FEV1 %. There is a statistically important difference among all the scores of AQLQ with respect to the groups of patients p=0.005 (F=7.561), except for the scores of the exposal to the outside factors.
The importance was especially great with the symptoms and limited activity.
The results of the examination show that booth the presence of pathological lung sounds and obstruction degree of the air flow in bronchial tubes measured by parameter FEV1% effected life quality. Acta Medica Medianae 2003; 42 (4):39-42.

Key words: asthma, life quality, medical findings, obstruction degree