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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 43
Number 2, April, 2004
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478



Marina Đorđević
Clinic of infektology, Clinical center,
50 Dr Zoran Djindjic Street,
18000 Nis, Serbia and Montenegro
Tel.: 018/590-993




Marina Djordjevic1, Milijanka Krstic1, Branko Lako2, Milos Petrovic3 and Bozidar Djukic4


Clinic of infektology, Clinical center, Nis1
Institute of microbiology, VMA, Belgrade2
Institute of veterine, Nis3
INEP, Zemun4

Objective: The case report of rare form of Brucellosis named neurobrucellosis with clinical feature of meningoencefalitis.
    Methods: Rapid agglutination reaction-BAB, classic agglutination Wright, ELISA and Western blot test were used for serological conformation of the disease.
    Results: An increasing antibody titer from 1:320 to 1:640, regarding brucella antigen was obtained.After one year, a patient didn't have any difficulties, clinical state and biohumoral status were all right. Serologically, BAB was positive and Wright was 1:20. ELISA was positive in IgG class, and negative in IgM class.Western blot was positive.
    Conclusion: ELISA represents the most reliable and the most sensitive method for determinating the class of immunoglobulins and for following disease evolution in patients with neurobrucellosis and/or chronic brucellosis. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43: 69-72.

Key words: brucellosis, neurobrucellosis, diagnosis, therapy