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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 43
Number 2, April, 2004
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Jovica Jovanovic,
Institute of Ocupational Health,
nn Vojislav Ilic Street,
18000 Nis Serbia and Montenegro
e-mail: joca@medfak.ni.ac.yu


Jovica Jovanovic* and Milan Jovanovic**

Institute of Occupational Health, Nis* Clinical Center, Nis**

    The aim of that paper is to examine the nature of the injury problem in relation to age and sex of the victims, to estimate the type and consequences of occupational injuries, particularly in terms of lost working days and to identify the way in which they occur. Male workers have a slightly higher injury rate than female workers. Leading causes of injuries over the examined ten years period were: being struck by flying or falling objects, collision and being compressed by mechanical or other objects and equipment. These injuries resulted in an average of 69.1± 10.9 lost workdays per injured worker. The sprains and lacerations were statistically significant and more frequently presented in female than in male workers. Ruptures of internal organs, fractures and ruptures and tears of joints and ligaments resulted in 100 or more lost workdays for each worker. The number of days off work rose proportionally to the age of the victims. Chemical industry presents one of the more hazardous industry. These results are important for the control and prevention of occupational injuries. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43 (2): 29-35.

    Key words: occupational injuries, occupational accidents, chemical industry