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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 43
Number 2, April, 2004
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Voja Pavlović
Institute of fiziology, Faculty of Medicine,
81 Dr Zoran Djindjic Street,
18000 Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
Tel.: 018/334-221,
e-mail: vojapap@yahoo.com



Voja Pavlovic and Zorica Pavlovic

Institute of fiziology, Faculty of Medicine, Niš1
Health Care Centre2

    In the case of 25 male Hartley guinea pigs of initial weight between 300-400 g, not having been treated before, living under the normal laboratory conditions, the passive immunisation was done by intraperitoneal application of 0.1 ml anti-oval antibody (2.7 mg pprotein/ml). All animals were devided into two groups. The control group (10 guinea pigs) and the experimental group (15 guinea pigs). Eighteen hours after passive sensibilisation all guinea pigs were sacriificed; they were hit on the head and their illeums were taken out. Eight samples were made out of those illeums and they were soaked in the bowl. The control groups were soaked in Tyroid's solution, and those belonging to the animals of experimental group in the solutions with different concentrations of Na-ascorbate (from 10-1M to 10-4M) which were ready made in Tyrod's solution. Three experiments were done for each concentration of Na-ascorbate. Ten minutes after the adaptation of the groups in the solution, 0.42 mg of proteine antigena/10 ml was added to both control and experimenta groups. After the reaction of the added antigen, with previously fixed antibodies, the quantity of the release hystamin was established by chemical method of Shore and associates. The results were achieved by comparing the quantity of the released histamin on gr of the dried illeum tissue, due to different concentrations of Na-ascorbate. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43(2):43-45.

    Key words: Na-ascorbate, histamine releaze antibody, antigen