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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 43
Number 2, April, 2004
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Ljiljana Nikolić
Clinic of dermatovenerology
48 Dr Zoran Djindjic Street,
18000 Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
Tel.: 018/ 332-837, 063/8928925




Ljiljana Nikolic and Mirjana Paravina


Clinic of dermatovenerology, Clinical Center, Niš


    Changes on skin and visible mucous membrane in Diabetes mellitus can be found in 25%, 30% and even 70% of diabetic patients. Our research Included 101 insulin-dependent diabetics, of which 38 (37.6%) had cutaneous changes. Fungal infections (Onychomycosis, Tinea interdigitalis manuum, Balanitis candidomycetica and Vulvovaginitis candidomycetica) are diagnosed in 18.4% of diabetics, and bacterial infections (Flegmona pedis, Furunculosis) in 5.3% of diabetics. The dermatosis that are connected to metabolic disorders or chronic degenerative complications in Diabetes mellitus are confirmed by pathological research: Dermatopathia diabetica (23,7%), Xanthelasma palpebrarum (2,6%), Bullosis idiopathica diabeticorum (2,6%), Malum perforans (5,3%), Gangrena digitorum pedis (5,3%), Necrobiosis lipoidica (5,3%), Granuloma annulare (2,6%). The diagnosis of these dermatoses by dermatologists, along with the analysis of biochemical parameters, can contribute the revelation of disordered glucose metabolism on time, and also the prevention of complications that follow Diabetes mellitus. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43(2): 47‡52.

    Key words: IDDM, diabetic foot, dermatopathia diabetica