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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 43
Number 3, July, 2004
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Zorica Pavlović
Health care centre
18 000 Niš,
Srbija i Crna Gora





Copyright 2004 by Faculty  of Medicine, University of Nis


Zorica Pavlović1, Voja Pavlović2 and Zoran Pavlović3

Health care centre in Nis1
Institute of Fiziology, Faculty of Medicine, Nis2
Clinic of Hematology and Imunology, Clinical center, Nis3

    The influence of great dosage of ascorbic acid during the experimental induction of adenocarcinoma mammae was experimented. For the experiments the female of CBA/H mice were used. The animals were divided into two groups: the control (K) and experimental (I, II, III) group. The mice of the control group were given 0.5 ml physiological solution, and the mice of experimental subgroup I were given 10, and of the subgroup II were given 100, and of subgroup III were given 1.000 mg of ascorbic acid/d.
    In the beginning of experiment all animals of both control and experimental group were given 5x10 6 of live cells of adenocarcinoma mammae. During and in the end of the experiment the changes in the body weight, weigth of adenocarcinoma mammae, and weigth o spleen was examined.
    The achieved results exemplify that the aplication of high doses of ascorbic acid, in the case of CBA/H mice, decreased the weight of mice, decreased the weight of adenocacinoma mammae, decreased the mass and celularity of spleen, and decreased stimulates the number of leucocytes. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43(3): 5-9.

Key words: mammary carcinoma, mous, ascorbic acid, spleen, leucocytes