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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 43
Number 3, July, 2004
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Stevan Ilić
Institute of Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovaskular and Rheumatic Diseases

18205 Niška Banja,
Serbia and Montenegro
Phone: +381 18 530-585,
e-mail: stevanil@bankerinter.net


Copyright 2004 by Faculty  of Medicine, University of Nis



Stevan Ilić, Marina Deljanin-Ilić and Aleksandar Nikolić


Institute of Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovaskular and Rheumatic Diseases "Niška Banja"-Niška Banja


    The prognosis of patients with acute coronary syndromes is directly depends on risk, so it is necessary for the risk stratification to be carried out both at the admittance and during the treatment phase, as well as after the dismissal from hospital. There are many variables that influence the risk, being categorized as either high or low. It is important to emphasise that low risk doesn’t mean that there is no risk at all.
    The sort of therapic approach that would be applied depends on electrocardiogramic presentation of acute isochemical syndrome. If the patient with persistant elevation of ST segments is in question, then the first step is aimed at achieving reperfusion by the trombolitical therapy application or primary percutanae coronary intervention. Trombolisis is not applied in case of a patient who doesn’t have a persistant ST elevation, but expresses ST segments depression, change of T waves or has a normal electrocardiograme (acute coronary syndrome without persistant ST evaluation). If there is a high risk, the inhibitors of receptors Gp llb/lla and higher coronary angiography are applied. However, if there is a low risk, troponines are determined again. If troponines are positive, the procedure is the same as in patient with high risk; if troponines are negative two times, further procedure depens on the stress test results.
    A long-term treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome is necessary in order to prevent new cardic events to come into being. It presuposes life style change, modification of risk factors as well a medications for second prevention. Acta Medica Medianae 2004; 43 (3): 37-44.


    Key words: acute coronary syndromes, thrombolytic therapy, secondary prevention