Antrax is an acute infectious disease, characterised by heavy intoxication, specific pustules both on skin and mucosa, accompanied by edema or appearance of haemorrhagic inflammatory pulmonary and intestinal changes, and in the most severe cases by septicaemia. Antrax is spread worldwide, especially in countries with developed cattle raising. The main cause of this disease is Bacillus Anthracis, gram positive bacteria very resistent in outside enviroment, especially its sporogenic form witch can survive from 30 to 50 years. Antrax bacillus secrets three toxins (edema toxin, protective toxin and lethal toxin). For the appearance of this disease the associated effect of all three factors is necessary. The aim of our research is to present the skin form of antrax, complicated by secundary intrahospital infection. Acta Medica Medianae 2005; 44(1): 81- 83.

    Key words: antrax, skin, intrahospital infection