Venous ulcers are frequent, chronic disease which requires the constant therapeutic surveillance and it significantly influences the quality of life of the diseased. Also, the therapy prescribed is often without success and is very expensive. In dermatological practise, beside medicaments, phisical therapy is also applied but with varying success. In the recent years, electroionotherapy has been used as a revolutionary inovation in the modern biomedical technology. The investigation included 15 pacients with venous ulcers which were treated with use of an apparatus generating electroionic flow. During the treatment, the parameters of ulcers (surface, depth, volume, fibrin deposits, exudation, granulation, epithelization), the surrounding of ulcers, as well as subjective symptoms (pain and pruritus) were monitored. All parameters were monitored clinically at the begining, during and at the end of the treatment, when they were scored. The results were statistically analyzed. At the end of the investigation, all the parameters improved and these improvements were statistically significant. Acta Medica Medianae 2005; 44(2): 67-71.

    Key words: electroionic flow, venous ulcers, therapy