In order to evaluate the effects of antihypertensive therapy on the values of heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) before, during and after surgical intervention, we examined a group of 95 patients at the Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic in Niš.
    Patients with arterial hypertension (n = 68) were divided in two groups, depending on antihypertensive medicament therapy during hospitalization before the intervention. A group of 33 hypertensive patients was treated with beta blocker (BB group), while 35 patients were treated with angiotenzin converting enzyme inhibitor plus beta blocker (ACEI+BB group). In all groups, both clinical examination and a standard ECG were done. The values of HR and BP were measured on admission, before, during and after the operation. Endotracheal general anesthesia was administered in all subjects.
    The values of systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood preassure as well as of HR on admission were signifficantly higher in both groups of hypertensive patients than in controls. Antihypertensive therapy in BB and ACEI+BB group brought about the reduction of HR and BP before the intervention compared to the values on admission.
    Before the intervention, there were no significant differences in SBP and DBP beween BB and ACEI+BB group, while HR was signifficantly lower in BB than in ACEI+BB group (p < 0,05).
    During the operation, the value of HR in BB group was signifficantly less than in controls (p < 0,00001) and ACEI+BB group (p < 0,00001), while there were no signifficant differences in BP between the three examinated groups during as well as after the intervention. After the operation, the value of HR was significantly less in BB group and ACEI+BB group compared to the controls (p < 0,0001 and p < 0,001).
    Our results showed that the treatment with BB and the combination of ACEI+BB group before the planned surgical intervention, significantly reduced HR and BP in hypertensive patients and provided good haemodynamic stability during and immediately after the operation. This confirms the value of BB and ACEI in patients with verified long-lasting as well as newly discovered hypertension, to whom the general anaesthesia will be administered. Acta Medica Medianae 2005; 44(2): 11-16.

Key words: hypertensive patients, heart rate, blood pressure, beta blockers, enzyme inhibitors