In the case of previously mentioned Hartley guinea pigs, male gender, weight from 250 to 300 g, which lived under normal lab’s conditions, The effect of different Na-ascorbate concentrations was studied. Various Na-ascorbate concentrations were used starting from 10-6M to 10-1M, while the sensitivity of terminal part of ileum was determined by Shultz-Dale’s reaction.
    The samples of ileum treated by 10-5M histamin and the induced contraction served as a maximal response (100%). The ileum sample was rinsed by Thyrode’s solution, the media was exchanged by different concentrations of Na-ascorbate, and with the help of Shulzt-Dale’s reaction, the intensity of ileum contraction was determined.
    The obtained results show that, with the increase of Na-ascorbate concentration from 10-6M till 10-3M, there is a mild increase of histamin concentration in order to get 50% of response.
    However, after the applied vitamin C concentration of 10-3 M, the need for histamine suddenly increases in order to get 50% of response, and it achieves its maximum after the 10-1M Na-ascorbate concentration has been applied.
    These results show that the application of Na-ascorbate lessens the sensitivity of termal part of ileum. Acta Medica Medianae 2005;44(2): 17-21.

Key words: Na-ascorbic, vitamin C, histamine, ileum, sensibilisation, Schultz-Dale’s reaction