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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 46, No 3, Oktobar, 2005
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478





Suzana Milutinović
Porodični dispanzer Varnava
Josifa Pančića 11, 18000 Niš, Srbija i Crna Gora
Tel.: 018/45-512, 520-360,
E-mail: varnava@eunet.yu


tHe freQUenCy of left ventriCUlar HypertropHy in patients witH arterial Hypertension and obese patients witH arterial Hypertension

Suzana Milutinović1, Milan Pavlović2, Miloje Tomašević2, Svetlana Apostolović2, Miodrag Damjanović3 i Zoran Colić3 


Porodični dispanzer Varnava u Nišu1
Klinika za kardiovaskularne bolesti Kliničkog centra u Nišu2
Zdravstveni centar u Leskovcu3


The aim of this research was to investigate the potential relationship between the longterm exposure to air pollution, as a risk factor, and the development of allergic reactions in the population. The observed sample consisted of Nis citizens of different age groups who lived in areas with high concentrations of air pollutants (investigated group) such as the Square of the October Revolution and Sindjelic’s Square (investigated group), as well as the citizens of Niska Banja (control group) which is the zone with the lowest concentration of air pollution. The investigation was carried out in the Public Health Institute in the period between 1996 and 2000. A significance test was performed using a Mantel-Haenszel chi square test. This test was used to check for a statistically significant difference between the incidence of the obstructive lung disease between the investigated group and the control group across all age groups. The cross-risk and relative risk were determined. The highest value of the chi square test was determined in the age group 26-50 (RR=3.50), in the group up to 25, RR=2.25, and in the group above 51, RR=1.89. The obtained results prove that the incidence of the obstructive lung disease is significantly higher in the exposed population than in the non-exposed. Acta Medica Medianae 2005; 44 (3): 21 – 25.

Key words: air pollution, obstructive disease