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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 45
No 4, October, 2006
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Miško Živić
Faculty of Medicine 
81 dr Zoran Djindjic Street

18000 Nis, Serbia


Copyright 2006 by Faculty  of Medicine, University of Nis



Misko Zivic and Misa Zivic

Faculty of Medicine  of Nis

 St. Roman lived in the second half of the XIX century and the first half of the XX century A.C. Together with his brother Nestor they set out for a noble mission to promote literacy among Slaves. Thus, Roman arrived at the right side of the Juzna Morava River and his brother Nestor at the left side of the river. And they managed to achieve their goal. At the grave of St. Roman, a  shrine has been built. This shrine with the coffin of St.Roman has become a place of gathering of  a number of beleivers and a holy place known for its curing powers. Acta Medica Medianae 2006;45(4):41-42.

 Key words: St. Roman, a disciple of Kliment Ohridski, Serbian healer