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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 46, No 4, December, 2007
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478




Contakt: Božidar Jovanović
Ginekološko-akušerska klinika Kliničkog centra
Zmaj Jovina
34000 Kragujevac, Srbija
Tel: (034) 342-038


Bozidar Jovanovic, Momcilo Djordjevic, Gordana Djordjevic and Vesna Pantovic

Ginekološko-akušerska klinika Kliničkog centra u Kragujevcu1
Institut za javno zdravlje Kragujevac2



According to the data presented by WHO and UNICEF, more than a million of children all around the world die every year, because they have not been breastfeeded or some other form of the food has been given to them too early. The other million of children are of poor health because of malnutrition and because of the lack of disease prevention. The basic aim of the research was to determine which parameters could influence the change in attitude towards baby friendly program, as well as its confirmation. In the procedure of program evaluation realization ’’friendship with babies ’’ or ’’the best for the babies’’,generally accepted under the term, 'BABY FRIENDLY' program, the pool was conducted among the mothers from the study, by the specially designed questionnaire. The total number of mothers participating in the pool was 432, 216 mothers in baby friendly program and the same number of mothers outside the aforesaid program. Experiences from previous pregnancies and deliveries have the influence on the decision related to acceptance of specific treatment during the current pregnancy and delivery. In about 70 to 80% of cases, on the maternity hospital admittance, the expectance of the mothers from both groups was that the program should be useful. On hospital discharge with significantly high possibility, the answer about the program usefulness in both groups was positive (80 up to 90%). The consequence of change in attitude towards baby friendly program is the consequence of the applied program. Acta Medica Medianae 2007;46(4):31-33.

Key words: baby friendly program, change in attitude, repeated participation