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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 46, No 4, December, 2007
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478




Contakt: Aleksandra Catic- Djordjevic
Pharamcokinetics, Department of Pharmacy
Faculty of Medicine, Unviersity of Nis
85 Dr Zoran Djindjic
18000 Nis, Serbia
Phone: +381-18-570-029


Radmila Velickovic- Radovanovic1, Aleksandra Catic-Djordjevic1 and Milena Dimic2

Faculty of Medicine 1
Institute for Mental Health of the Clinical Center in Nis2


Antiepileptic drugs show clinically significant interactions among themselves as well as with other medications, because of a specific pharmacokinetic profile and relatively small therapeutic spectrum. The most significant clinical interactions of AE occur during their metabolism and distribution. In the combined antiepileptic therapy, it is very important to know the order of application of AE because of their influence on liver enzymes and the affinity to attach to plasma proteins. The AE with shorter half-time elimination have a greater potential for interaction which is why therapy monitoring is recommended. Populational pharmacokinetic analysis can provide significant information concerning interactions of AE with other medications. Vulnerable, pediatric population is under a special risk of developing interactions alongside patients with liver and kidney function damage. Acta Medica Medianae 2007;46(4):55-60.

Key words: pharmacokinetic interactions, antiepileptic drugs, interaction potential, clinical significance