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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 47, No 1, Januar, 2008
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478

Correspondence to:
Momčilo Đorđević

Ginekološko-akušerska klinika

Zmaj Jovina 30

34000 Kragujevac, Srbija

Tel.: 034/ 345-230










Copyright 2008 by Faculty  of Medicine, University of Nis

Original article





Momcilo Djordjevic, Gordana Djordjevic, Bozidar Jovanovic and Vesna Pantovic



Mother’s breast milk is the best product that the new born infant could be fed with. It contains nutritious matters necessary for growth and progress of the new born infants, ideally adapted for the baby. This is not only the food. It provides the support for protection against infections.

The aim of the investigation was to establish whether the newborn condition right after the birth and anthropometric measures affect entering the baby friendly program. 

The study was conducted during 2003 in OGC CC Kragujevac and included 216 new born infants included in baby friendly program and 216 new born infants outside the program.

The following parameters in newborn infants were observed: Apgar score, body mass, body length, head circumference.

Significantly most often in both examined groups (73 up to 75%), the value of Apgar score of the new born infants was in the interval 9 – 10 and it did not affect the selection into baby friendly program.

New born infants from baby friendly program statistically had significantly greater weight than the infants outside the program-on average for about 80 g. The greater weight positively affects entering the baby friendly program.

Body length and infant head circumference did not statistically significantly differed between the examined groups.

Statistically important difference in body mass can be justified by higher surveillance of pregnant women from the program. The treatment should reflect in controlled nourishment, avoidance of all harmful causes like consumption of cigarettes    and alcoholic drinks, which are proven risks for the newborn infants from such pregnancies to have lesser body mass. The advantage of greater body mass lies in the fact that after the childbirth, the relative loss of the body weight is lesser compared to the infants outside the program. Acta Medica Medianae 2008;47(1):37-40.


Key words: Baby friendly program, newborn condition, anthropometric measures

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