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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 47, No3 , December, 2008
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Correspondence to:
Olivera Simonović

Klinika za hematologiju i kliničku imunologiju

Bul. dr Zorana Đinđića 48

18000 Niš, Srbija

Tel: 018-222-794

E-mail: oljas02@ptt.yu









Copyright 2008 by Faculty  of Medicine, University of Nis

Case review


Olivera Simonovic, Ivana Stankovic, Tanja Pejcic, Lana Macukanovic-Golubovic and Goran Marjanovic



Many studies have researched the prognostic factors of Hodgkin disease. Up date, seven most important prognostic factors have been defined.

Among them, as an important negative prognostic factor, the dissemination of the disease at the moment of diagnosis stands out. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the presence of mediastinal mass greater than a third of the chest diameter in Hodgkin lymphoma on the disease outcome. In this study, an 18-year-old patient P.A. was presented. At the time of diagnosis, the patient had Bulky disease. Mediastinal mass was observed by radiography, computed tomography, ultrasound of the heart.

The patient was treated with ABVD, GDP, BEACOPP, miniBEAM protocol and mediastinal radiation. In this patient, the mediastinal mass persisted in spite of the therapy.

The course of disease deteriorated due to the presence of resistant pericardial effusion, and the patient died three years after. Acta Medica Medianae 2008;47(4):25-28.


Key words: mediastinal mass, Hodgkin disease, prognostic factor


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