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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 48, No1 , Januar, 2009
UDK 61
YU ISSN 0365-4478


Correspondence to:
Momčilo Đorđević

Ginekološko-akušerski centar Kliničkog centra

Zmaj Jovina 25/8

34000 Kragujevac, Srbija

Tel.: 034/345-230









Original article



Momčilo Đorđević1, Vesna Pantović2, Božidar Jovanović1 i Gordana Đorđević2



Ginekološko-akušerski centar Kliničkog centra u Kragujevcu 1

Institut za javno zdravlje u Kragujevcu2


Whooping cough - pertussis is acute, infective disease caused by sensitive gram negative pleomorphic bacilus Bordatella pertussis. The source of the infection is a diseased man with typical or atypical clinical picture. After curing the disease, solid, long-lasting but not lifelong immunity remains. Vaccination is a method of choice in disease prevention.

The basic aim of the research was to present pertussis and dying rate in Serbia and Sumadija region depending on vaccination.

The following data were considered: the number of the diseased, incidence, mortality, lethality rate and range by DTP vaccination in three doses. There is a difference in disease and vaccination status in the following regions - Central Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija and Vojvodina.

The results from central Serbia and Vojvodina show that the number of the diseased till 1993 was three-figured, that the number of diseased was relative stabile till 1997, and after that the number dramatically fell together with the incidence, while mortality has not been registered since 1985. In Sumadija region, in recent years, some random cases of the diseased have been reported, and the diseased were up to one year old and most often  they were newborns not having been vaccinated.

As the only infectious disease which is vaccine-preventable, which is more often present in the world, the disease is interesting for us, since the disease incidence increase is possible here. The great risk population are children over 10 years of age, vaccinaced. The possiblity of booster doses after ten years of age should be taken into consideration. Acta Medica Medianae 2009;48(1):31-36.


Key words: pertussis, whooping cough, vaccination, epidemiology