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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 50, No 2, June, 2011

UDK 61
ISSN 0365-4478(Printed version)
ISSN 1821-2794(Online)


Correspondence to:

Dragan Mladenović

Faculty of Medicine, University in Niš

81 Dr Zoran Đinđić Blvd 18000 Niš

E-mail: dragan.mladenovic@medfak.ni.ac.rs

Professional article                                         

UDC: 004.932:616.31





 Dragan Mladenović1,2, Dragutin Stanković1, Zoran Bojanić1, Sanja Mladenović1, Lidija Mladenović2

and Jasmina Stanković3

University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Niš, Serbia1

Clinic of Dentistry, Clinical Center in Niš, Serbia 2

Health Care Centre, Niš, Serbia3   



Most professional photographers probably want to orientate their professional engagement towards digital photography, and the same may be also said for those who use photographic films (temporary, at least), and it is quite certain that there are people with large collections of very useful conventional slides.

Nevertheless, some professionals are still hesitating regarding the use of professional digital photography.

The paper aims at informing the professional public about numerous advantages of digital over conventional-analogue images, and especially about the methods of conversion of slides and negative films to digital images.

Digital dental photography has numerous advantages over analogue photography and is synonymous with modern dentistry. In addition to the above, it does not eliminate completely negative and positive films, but enables their conversion into a digital form as a safer, more practical, and more cost-effective form for their storage. Acta Medica Medianae 2011;50(2):43-48.


                  Key words: digital dental photography, positive film, negative film, scanners