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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 51, No 2, June, 2012

UDK 61
ISSN 0365-4478(Printed version)
ISSN 1821-2794(Online)


Correspondence to:

Zoran Stanišić

“Sveti Sava” Elementary School

Save Nemanjića 2

18300 Pirot, Serbia

E-mail: zoranstanisic106@yahoo.com

Review article                                                                         

UDC: 616.899:796.035






Zoran Stanišić

“Sveti Sava” Elementary School, Pirot, Serbia



The low level of physical fitness of intellectually disabled individuals is most often the result of a sedentary lifestyle and the lack of the possibility for these individuals to take part in various forms of physical activity, and as a consequence these individuals are often unable to take part in any form of planned physical activities, are unable to adequately perform everyday activities and have limited abilities for performing work-related duties. Regular physical activity can have a preventive effect, can reduce health risks and prevent the onset of various illnesses, as well as to promote an active lifestyle and increase physical and work capacities among the members of this particular population. Sport can play an important role in the life of individuals with intellectual disability as it represents a good basis for the development of physical and cognitive abilities. Team sports, which include interaction among a large number of people, a decision-making processes in a variety of situations and the understanding of the game itself in its constituent parts can be used as an effective and practical treatment of individuals with intellectual disability. Acta Medica Medianae 2012;51(2):45-49.


      Key words: physical activity, intellectual disability, sport