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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 51, No 3, September, 2012

UDK 61
ISSN 0365-4478(Printed version)
ISSN 1821-2794(Online)


Correspondence to:

Saša Dragović

Military Hospital in Niš

Department of Pathology

Bul Zorana Đinđića bb

18000 Niš, Serbia

E-mail: dragovic.sasa@yahoo.com

Case report                                                     

UDC: 616.341-006.4:616-007.272




Ileus caused by carcinoid tumor of small intestine - A case report


Saša Dragović, Nebojša Đenić, Miloš Kostov and Marija Jelić


Military Hospital in Niš, Department of Surgery, Niš, Serbia


Carcinoids (argentoffinoma) are the tumors of enterochromatic cells which can appear anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract. They belong to the group of neuroendocrine tumors (NET). The term was introduced by Obendorfer in 1907. Case report. M.Z., 70-year-old patient had the first signs of the illness (diffuse abdominal pain accompanied by bloating and  constipation) a month before he was hospitalized at the Surgical Ward of the Military Hospital in Niš. He was examined at the Gastrointestinal Ward of the Department of Internal Diseases and released to have home care because of the improved overall status. A month later he was hospitalized again at the same department because of strong subocclusive complaints, throwing up and lack of winds and defecation. As ileus was diagnosed, the patient was moved to the Surgical Ward where he underwent laparatomy. The conglomerate of small intestine covered with small whitish tumorous changes was detected. The small intestine was resected and send to pathohistological verification which revealed a carcinoid tumor. Carcinoid is a rare type of tumour of the digestive tract and it usually is detected accidently during surgeries such as appendectomy, etc. Since health care centres in Serbia lack technical equipment, when detected, the disaese has already advanced and survival period is short. Acta Medica Medianae 2012;51(3):47-51.


      Key words: carcinoid, gastrointestinal tract, neuroendocrine tumours, serotonin, carcinoid
